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How Do I Prepare My Child for a Haircut?

  /  How Do I Prepare My Child for a Haircut?

Getting a haircut can be a nerve-wracking experience for a child, especially if it’s their first time. As a parent, you play a crucial role in preparing your child for this event to make it a positive and enjoyable experience. Here are some simple tips to help your child get ready for a haircut at a kid’s salon in Dubai.

1.Start Talking About It Early:

A few days before the appointment, casually mention to your child that they will be going for a haircut. Keep the conversation light and positive, emphasizing that haircuts are a normal part of growing up.

2.Use Books and Videos:

Reading children’s books or watching videos about kids getting haircuts can be a fun way to introduce the idea. This will familiarize your child with the process and show them that many other kids do it too.

3.Play “Haircut” at Home:

Pretend play can be a fantastic way to ease your child’s anxiety. You can take turns being the hairstylist and the client, using toy scissors and capes to make it more interactive.

4.Visit the Salon Together:

If possible, take your child to the salon a day before the actual appointment. Let them see the place, meet the hairstylist, and observe other kids getting haircuts. This will help familiarize them with the environment.

5.Talk Positively About Haircuts:

Use encouraging words and positive language when discussing haircuts. Avoid any negative remarks or scary stories that might make your child anxious.

The Day of the Haircut

Now that you’ve laid the groundwork, it’s time for the actual haircut day. Here’s how you can make it a smooth and enjoyable experience:

1.Choose the Right Time: Schedule the appointment in the kids’ salon at a time when your child is well-rested and fed. Avoid times when they are usually cranky or hungry.

2.Dress Comfortably: Dress your child in comfortable clothes that are easy to change in case some hair clippings get on them. Consider bringing a favorite toy or blanket to provide comfort.

3.Bring Distractions: During the haircut, bring along distractions like a tablet with their favorite show or a small toy to keep them occupied and engaged.

4.Praise and Encourage: Throughout the haircut, offer words of encouragement and praise for their bravery. Positive reinforcement can make a big difference.

5.Be Patient: Your child may fidget or feel a bit scared during the haircut. Stay calm and patient, assuring them that everything is alright. Remind them that hair grows back, and it’s okay to feel a little nervous.

 6.Offer a Treat: After the haircut, consider giving your child a small treat or doing something special together as a reward for their cooperation.

7.Maintain a Positive Attitude: No matter how the haircut turns out, always maintain a positive attitude. If your child sees you staying upbeat, they are more likely to feel good about the experience as well.


For both you and your child, getting their first haircut can be a special and wonderful event. You may make your child feel more comfortable and prepared for the haircut by using these easy steps. Throughout the process, keep in mind to be empathetic, supportive, and patient. You may make a joyful moment for your child that they will treasure forever by doing it with love and kindness. Therefore, as you witness your child take their first step into the world of haircuts, feel free to rejoice and celebrate this milestone with delight.